What is Creator mode on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has changed a lot from the crusty online CV database it used to be. 

Even in the last few years it has seen many changes. I have been an active LinkedIn user since 2020 and I have definitely noticed it introducing features from other social media platforms (LinkedIn stories - remember those? They didn’t last long!)

So what does this mean? 

You ideally need to be in creator mode if you are marketing your business on LinkedIn

Out of the 830 million users on LinkedIn, only 4.9% are content creators. Which is a HUGE opportunity for marketing your business here.

Creator mode first appeared back in 2021.

When I first used it I hated it and swiftly turned it off. My views fell off a cliff and it felt clunky, not new and exciting.

But I tried it again a few months later and I much prefer it now.

It pushes your content higher up your profile which allows for more engagement (as I’ve said before engagement is KING on LinkedIn) and doesn’t show your activity on your profile (posts yous are commenting on or liking - it’s all YOUR content)

It allows people to follow you first allowing you to grow your audience. It shows your ‘followers’ rather than ‘connections’.  The difference is that you will see your connections content, but a follower will only see yours. 

It allows you to add 5 hashtags to your profile which is great for SEO. 

Only 4.9% of users on LinkedIn are content creators which is a huge opportunity so it is a no brainer to use Creator Mode. A simple and easy way to become a thought leader in your industry! 

AND it allows you to send out newsletters which I think is one of the best ways to grow on LinkedIn, you can see who your subscribers are and with each newsletter an email goes straight into every subscribers inbox (hello! And thank you for having me!)

Some people have said they have seen their reach drop using creator mode, so why not give it a month’s trial and compare your results?

So if you are reading this, thinking ‘I need to create more content on LinkedIn but I’m not sure where to start’ and you don’t have the time to learn then please do get in touch. 


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