The fear and loathing of LinkedIn
The fear and loathing of using LinkedIn
I get it, I was there 2 years ago. I knew I needed to be on LinkedIn, but the thought of updating my profile to say I started my own business made me feel the ick.
The thought of actually posting something to my network brought me out in a cold sweat and I procrastinated for 6 weeks!
But when I did get the courage to actually post my first piece of content as a start-up business owner it was a huge anti-climax. Nothing happened. Tumbleweed.
Nobody knew who I was in terms of potential new clients. My old network would have probably just thought ‘oh she is starting a business’ and went about their day.
All that stress and anxiety over nothing.
So I made a promise to myself and I committed to giving LinkedIn 100% as I needed my business to be a success.
I learnt how to create content by creating content. I made mistakes, yes. I trialed hideous words that now make me cringe - ‘mumpreneur’ anyone? 🤮 I’ve been trolled, unfollowed and blocked.
But my tenacity and consistency kept me going. I could see the potential.
I grew my audience every day. I started with 186 connections. Now I have in excess of 6,000 (yes that is a hell of a lot of clicking ‘add connection’)
It took a while to find my people, but they are here every day showing up for their businesses too.
Cheerleading other people’s content and engagement is King on LinkedIn. That’s where the magic happens.
I did 4 things everyday and was fully booked within 5 months.
I posted everyday to build my brand and visibility.
I added my ideal clients everyday.
I was a cheerleader to my network.
I kept up to date with the current trends and made relevant content to boost my visibility.
I quickly fell in love with LinkedIn and how powerful it is for small businesses. My clients started asking me to work my magic on their profiles.
And that’s where it all fell into place.
I have met some amazing people on LinkedIn, it pays my bills but it is also a lot of fun!
I’ve now launched my own agency specialising in LinkedIn for small businesses to build brands, ensuring my clients stand out from the crowd and connecting them with people whom they didn’t even think could be their ideal clients!
So if you are reading this, thinking ‘I need to leverage LinkedIn but I’m not sure how to use it’ and you don’t have the time to learn then please do get in touch.