Engagement is King on LinkedIn

I’ve said it a million times. LinkedIn is a social networking platform, that is why we are here - to be sociable and to build our networks, and brands, and to keep up to date with industry news.

There is no point in scheduling and posting out a whole month’s worth of content if you don’t spend time on the platform actually engaging with your audience.

That is called broadcasting. It won’t help you build your brand or get you any juicy leads. You may as well shout into an empty room. 

The magic happens when you actually spend time having conversations, joining in with content that you enjoy (tip the algorithm will show you more of the stuff you engage on).

I know a lot of people are terrified of LinkedIn and spend ages procrastinating their content and worrying far too much about typos and what other people will think. 

I suggest to my clients that LinkedIn is like your virtual office (now that we are mostly working from home these days) and a place to chat, connect and have some form of human contact. It’s not exactly the same as the banter you would have whilst waiting for the kettle to boil but it is definitely a place to build relationships. 

So this may be a bitter pill to swallow but you will never be successful on LinkedIn if you are just posting content. 

You need to be replying to the comments on your own stuff, if somebody has made time to comment then at least acknowledge their comment. And check your posts individually as the notifications are not always on form… (LinkedIn can be glitchy)

You need to set aside time for engagement every weekday if you want this shizzle to work for you. Comment on others' posts, those people who you already know but also go and find 5 posts that interest you (every day) and add a comment. And be more interesting than ‘great post’! Yep that is a bit beige and yawn. 

LinkedIn is a social media platform, go and have conversations every day. With your peers, with ex-colleagues (if you want 😂), and with people that you want to work with.  Or engage on the Influencers' stuff - whatever feels right for you.  There is no right or wrong way to engage unless you’re a troll (see the previous newsletter about them!)

Start with 15 minutes every morning, or evening - whatever fits best with your schedule. 

It’s pretty simple - I recommend posting your own content 2 - 3 per week but engaging every day. 

If you’re finding it all too much to find the time to engage and it is filling you with ick and dread then drop me a message as this is something we can help you with!   

Or if you are reading this, thinking ‘I need to leverage LinkedIn but I’m not sure how to’ and you don’t know where to start with your content, engagement, and audience growth then please do get in touch. 


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